A Jackson County, Mississippi Program

Monthly Success Report February 2023 – Moss Point High School

Student Success Story (SSS)

MPHS has a student who has changed their mind about what they want to do with their career after high school. They started out wanting to be a welder, but they attended the pathway that Pays at MGCCC-Gautier campus and talked with Jamie Wilkerson. Mrs. Wilkerson is the instructor for the Precision Manufacturing course on the MGCCC-Gautier campus. The student fell in love, so when Mrs. Wilkerson and two of her students came to the school to talk about the program, the student was so excited. The passion of the student was wonderful to see because it will turn into a nice paycheck and a bright future.

OUR MOTTO: Enrolled, Enlisted, or Employed

February was a busy month. We started off the month with a Youth Empowerment. The program was sponsored by local businesses in the community, it lasted two days and was a success. The CCR classes were hopping because several speakers came to speak to the students. People came to talk with the students about everything from the healthcare industry to joining the military. William Carey visited the CCR students and MGCCC-Gautier came during our lunch wave. Chevron made their third and last presentation for the year by talking with the sophomore class. We also had an instructor, Jamie Wilkerson, come and talk to the CCR students about her program, Precision Manufacturing, which is offered at MGCCC-Gautier campus. FAFSA DAY was off to a great start until we had to cancel due to a school emergency. We are in the process of rescheduling this important day.


Several colleges have visited campus to either meet with students during the lunch wave or in Mr. Moore’s CCR classes. I’ve talked with some students who have gotten their acceptance letters and scholarships from their schools of choice.


I’ve had all of the branches of the military, except the Marines and Coast Guard, to either speak with students in the CCR classes or out in the commons area. Students have shown some interest in the possibility of joining the military.


I’ve tried several times to set up a date and time for Mr. Jenkins, who is with Gulf National Islands National Seashore, to talk with the students during the lunch wave about the summer program, they offer to 15-18 year-olds. He will be at the school on March 2, 2023.

Essential Data Points

YouScience: 7 completed and 11 reviewed
Individual Check-In: 16 visits with 3 hrs and 51 mins logged
Group Check-In: 3 groups with 1 hrs and 20 mins logged